House Church Talk - Life in Jesus

goodwordusa at goodwordusa at
Sat Nov 1 15:32:11 EST 2003

So many in the churches today are caught up in endless arguments about all 
kinds of things, as though life somehow might come into us by the straining 
words or efforts of men.

But life in Jesus Christ is just that -- life in Jesus.  It isn't religion or 
theology or quarrels with human governments of any kind.

Life comes to us by the Spirit of God.  Without His hand of blessing, without 
the gift of breath, there is no life, but just mud or rotting flesh. 

In Jesus we have the gift of eternal and boundless life.  It is the "real 
life" that many in our world hunger for.  And it comes to us as God's gift in 
His Son, by His Son.  

Like sunshine and rain, the gift of eternal life is made available to all in 
Jesus.  Just hold out your hands and look up.

It is not about politics, or church government, or the appearances of serious 
scholarship among men.  It's not even about HC or IC.  It is simply life 

In a way, it's like water.  In the cities and supermarkets of mortal human 
beings, "pure and clean" water is sold in plastic bottles for a good price 
(well, it's a good price if you're the merchant).  But in the mountains of 
the earth -- the mountains fashioned by God -- pure and clean water comes 
rushing down the crevices of rocks, and it's free to any creature for the 

So also is the spiritual life that many hunger for.  We can go to the books 
and ideas and fabrications of mortal men, or we can go to the real life 
already offered freely to all by the Lord of the universe.  The real life is 
given to everyone who trusts in Jesus.   

Water that springs up to life everlasting, bubbling up endlessly, forever and 
ever, always perfect, always fresh, always alive with light and laughter and 
promise, always and always and always, forever, without end.

Got Jesus and you got life.  No got Jesus and you no got life -- no matter 
how much you study or struggle or argue or play the games of religion.

Thank You, Jesus.

(Isaiah 55:1,2)

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