House Church Talk - Freedom

Phillip Cohen spiritfilledhome at
Tue Jan 13 05:25:13 EST 2004

I found this while browsing the internet this morning:
Religion is full of laws that separate us from God. But a personal
relationship with Christ is possible regardless of one's religion.

Maybe the format of our fellowship should revolve around Christ vs
religion, rather than HC vs IC. Jesus promised to be in our midst
whenever we meet in His name (that is, my heart and yours are looking up
to Him by faith). Facts are, sometimes Jesus never shows up to some house
meetings, and sometimes He does show up to assembly meetings, and visa
versa (did I spell that right?).
Bottom line is that we need to spend more effort preparing our hearts for
His visits, and less time preparing or unpreparing our buildings. I try
to spend time visiting with God every day. I'll often ask people, "What
did you hear from God today?" And then I'll share with them what I'm
hearing from God today. Most people haven't heard from God today or most
days. Shame on us! We can be such experts on theology, and debate a point
to the last thread, but we don't hear from God each day.
Start today, eh?

Running to Him,
Phillip & Mary Cohen
spiritfilledhome at
God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. 1 John 1:5

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