House Church Talk - Re: Pattern or simply an adaptation?

flash flash at
Wed Jan 28 11:46:13 EST 2004

I hear you very clearly, and thanks for ther reply.
I guess in my bull headed way, I still think much can be communicated via email.
Your position that salvation is not at stake here in this issue is a clear point at which to
break off potentially divisive conversation - I am learning to stop pursuit of communicating
since very little matters except for the Word and the Word made flesh - our Lord and Saviour
Jesus Christ.
Thank you for the clarification.
I hope to hear more from you here on this list.

btw, my mother's maiden name is Johnson from Rockford, IL.
I see you are about as east in VA as one can be - Wise, VA.
Several years ago we visited DC and there was a Thos Jefferson impersonator who provided the
period view of Illinois - it was part of the Virginia territory.  VA plays a big part in US
Dan ChicagoArea

> Dan,
> I learned a long time ago that I would not argue points on the internet that
> I probably would argue in person.
> You see, email is the poorest form of communication.  You can not hear the
> tone of voice or see body language.
> If you study communication, you will realize these components make up well
> over 50% of the communication process.
> Since I do no know Brother Cliff, I do not feel it is worth the possible
> hurt and bruised feelings.  I do not feel Brother Cliff is trying to
> misguide anyone nor do I feel this issue is important to our salvation
> doctrine.  If this was about salvation, you would see a totally different
> point of view on my part.  Since it is a very minor secondary Therefore, no
> harm, no foul.

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