House Church Talk - Phil & his Visualizing

DanG dan.dgordon at
Sat Jul 24 00:22:41 EDT 2004

jim sutton wrote:
> But to gang up and try to skin a brother alive for sharing something
> thoughtful and real is stupid and wrong.  It's time to back off and cool down.
> Those big guns you want to aim at a good brother need to be aimed at the real
> enemy we all have in common.
> Like Job of old, Phil keeps trying to explain what he means, why he has taken
> his stand.  And like those lousy comforters of old, you keep trying to find
> and prove the flaw.   ?Lemme at that speck there, Phil.?  And like those
> ?friends? of Job you get even more riled up when your victim complains about
> your attitude.
> This same Pharisaical attitude has already chased off a lot of good brothers
> and sisters from this list.  Do you really want to be left with just
> yourselves?
> Take a breath, Guys.  Look at your own reactions and ask the Lord for wisdom
> here.
> Jim

physician, heal thyself
Your guns are blazing - for naught, methinks.
there were no big guns brought out.
read it all again - no big guns brought out, not one...
back off - there were no harsh words, there were no gross assumptions
made about what Phillip asked.
Read the record again.
I wanted clarification before I shoot.  I did not aim, much less shoot.
Read the record again.
DanG ChicagoArea

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