House Church Talk - Phil & his Visualizing

jim sutton goodword at
Sat Jul 24 14:58:10 EDT 2004

DanG ChicagoArea wrote:
>I'm sorry
>two wrongs do not make a right.
>erase my heated tone, please.
>I am wrong.

It's ok, Dan.  I understand completely.  You are my very good brother in the 
Lord, and you owe me no apology.  I can easily understand your feelings.  You 
probably felt misunderstood, betrayed, and that I was wholly unfair in 
accusing you (as a group) of any wrongdoing.

I deliberately wrote so as to provoke those feelings.  My hope is that you 
might better grasp how our brother Phil must feel when he gets some of the 
responses he has received.  Yes, most of them sounded very syrupy sweet 
compared to mine.  But the message was the same.  

We must learn to get past "key" words and try to understand what a brother or 
sister is saying.  Raise the question, if you need to.  But don't just keep 
piling it on.

This group (or at least those who engaged in dumping on Phil in the name of 
"helping" him) owes Phil an apology.  That would be appropriate Christian 
action at this time.


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