House Church Talk - Mission's Report

jim pierceall jpierceall at
Tue Jul 27 07:01:00 EDT 2004

I've been encouraged lately by reports coming out of Ecuador, where J. Guy
and Linda Muse
are helping to plant home churches with opposition from their local IC's--
Many times when J. Guy writes, it's like reading the book of Acts afresh...
Even to Judaizer's/Legalists running interferences ...

and for those that don't have full prayer lists, please include our brethren
there in Ecuador

Here's his latest report...

Yesterday a new church was born in west Guayaquil.  On the shore of
a muddy, slippery incline four believers in Christ walked into the
water of the "estero salado" (salty water that weaves its way inland
from the sea).

The sight chosen was a canoe crossing from one side of the estero to
the other.  Upon arrival one of those who was scheduled to be
baptized immediately walked out into the water and stood there
waiting as the rest of us gathered round.  Everyone broke out into
laughter calling for him to get out of the water-- it wasn't time
yet! As the new church sang at waters edge, people watched and
listened, talked to the believers, asked what we were doing, and
then got in line to catch the boat across the estero.  It was a
joyous time of singing and testimonies.

This church was born out of a group of people invited recently to
see Mel Gibson's "The Passion of the Christ".  After the movie all
returned to the house of the host and discussed what they had seen.
José and Basilio then shared their testimonies and called for people
to give their hearts to Christ.  Within five weeks more that 22
professions of faith have been made.  The new believers meet
together twice a week in the home of a man who makes his living by
selling "cocada" (a homemade coconut chewy candy-quite good!) to
waiting cars at stoplights.

Two weeks ago the new believers went through the book of Acts and
studied all the passages on baptism.  At the end of the study, José
asked what the next step in their walk with the Lord was.  All 20
stood and stated  enthusiastically "we must be baptized!"  There was
such an excitement that evening with even the suggestion they go out
that very night like Paul did with the Philippian jailer!  José
suggested they wait till Sunday to give them all time to better
organize and invite family.

Three days before the scheduled baptisms, a believer from another
church showed up for the regularly scheduled Thursday house church
meeting.  When the new believers began their discussion about the
Sunday baptisms, this brother (who has a seminary degree) stood up
and instructed them that in order to be baptized they must meet a
series of requirements which none of them had fulfilled.  He further
informed them that José and Basilio (who are their spiritual
fathers) were not qualified to lead them nor baptize, and even if a
qualified person were found to baptize, they would all have to begin
attending HIS CHURCH which was a "real church".  To put it mildly,
the whole group broke up in confusion and were quite discouraged.
Jose was humiliated publically before the people he had won to the
Lord and made to look like an imposter.  Even though Nigel and I
were invited back to try and clear up the confusion, the damage had
been done with doubt and fear instilled into these new believers.
Of the 20 professing adults, only four were baptized yesterday.
José, the young man who has been instrumental in winning this whole
group of people will most likely be disciplined by his church for
going ahead and baptizing these new believers (he is not ordained.)

Pray for this new church that the Spirit of God would speak to their
hearts and that their fear would be replaced by a more powerful
desire to be obedient.  Pray that they would unite in their love for
one another and the Lord and would seek their answers from the Word,
and not from man.

Guayaquil, Ecuador

Barbara Rivers
Nigel and Richelle Webb
Geovanny Ruiz
Roberto Pazmino
Carlos Perez
Guy and Linda Muse

House Church Talk is sponsored by the House Church Network.

House Church Talk has been renamed. These discussions, via the web, now occur at the Radically Christian Cafe.