House Church Talk - Visualizing Christ

DanG dan.dgordon at
Tue Jul 27 23:40:19 EDT 2004

jim sutton wrote:
> You make a very good point, Dan.
> But I think you would have to agree that it all depends on what the strong
> words are, and who is doing the talking.  It is very difficult to hear strong
> words when they go against what we really, really like to do.
> Several on this list did in fact "scorn the strong words" I recently shared.

The scorn for strong words which I wanted to point out were not the
"strong" words which you put up here but the strong words that a
couple of new brethren here put up.

As to Job's friends, I am sure your analysis of Job's friends is not
the last analysis to be heard.

The strong words by Lee and Adam pointed to a unique character of God
- His immutable ways in creation.  God is not accepting of all. 
Heaven is not a place where all men will be.  That is immutable - it
is His place, He decides.  Men for centuries have argued that reality
so let's not go there - nonetheless, heaven is not a place of my
creation nor yours.  Heaven is given not of works - it is a gift of
God, lest any man should boast.

You speak of acceptance among brethren.  I agree.  And I agree, I am
learning more about that.  However, not everything is profitable.  So,
the watchman - not Job's friends - provided strong words about the
subject at hand this past weekend.

As to "...when they go against what we really, really like to do." -
this is also a two way street.  You point to the Job's friends
character which is something that some really really like to do.  
Conversely, your way of accepting most or all of anything instead of
accepting the line in the sand that God provides in many ways and many
things is also something that goes against what some really really
like to do.  The tent does not include every practice.  It is God's
tent, it is His line in the sand - we best heed that reality, or the
reality that we "hope" for may not appear.

DanG ChicagoArea

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