House Church Talk - Alexander Strauch on Biblical Eldership

DanG dan.dgordon at
Sat Oct 16 11:54:25 EDT 2004

Gary wrote:
> I am still trying to adjust my mindset on the whole idea of how a church is
> governed, 

I follow these type of organisational discussions somewhat
peripherally, since, somehow they go waaaay over my head.  Hence,
whether or not this discussion is at a level I can understand, or
whether you want persons like me to understand, I am somewhat dis
interested - not as a statement against the persons involved in this
dialog - just as an explanation of where I am and how I read these

Which then places some reference upon the observation or question I
just thought as I skimmed your post, Gary.  I wonder why we use the
word church as if it is some brick and mortar establishment - "...a
church is governed..."?  We also refer to the church as one, I believe
- one in Christ.

What if there are not two understandings of the word "church"?  What
if there is only one church and that is one body?  And then, as we all
summarily know and assert to be true - Jesus Christ is the government
and whole of the church.  What if the concept of leadership in the
church such as elders, pastors, teachers - was - and is not anymore? 
Can that be possible?  I guess what I am asking is this.  Could it be
that there were only ever a handful of elders which we see named in
the Bible, and there were only a handful of pastors which we see named
in the Bible, and the concept of elders as we dialog about them from
time to time here at hctalk really is not as human as we seem to
assume?  That is, the Bible itself is profitable for reproof,
correction, instruction in righteousness that the man of God may be
throughly furnished unto all good works.  Hence, human
elder/pastor/deacon is not a reality.  Could that be?  I am asking,
not suggesting.  However, as I ask, I can kinda begin to see some
justification for that mind.  (Now someone will respond in this thread
and tell me that what I am suggesting is called something like
antideaconism and is founded in third century romanism under
Cleopatricus of Athens...)

(btw, Mr Strauch is staunchly dispensational as a leader in the
plymouth brethren denomination.  They would shun the name
denomination, but such is the movement - it is denominational in all
of its manifestations, methinks.)
DanG ChicagoArea

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