House Church Talk - home churches & decentralization

David Anderson david at
Thu Dec 4 18:12:18 EST 2003


During the last century the number of school districts went from more 
than 250,000 to less than 20,000. In short, local and parental oversight 
went to the back of the bus.

In a similar way, the major denominations bypass local oversight when 
their seminaries send pastors and priests, who does not share local 
values, to the local churches. I have several times witnessed these 
short-lived marriages, not made in heaven.

House churches should obviously be able to avoid such pitfalls. They are 
independent, yet welcome any true believer. Best of all, their "church 
property" cannot be taken away from them in court if they attempt to 
leave the denomination. That is a frequent occurrence, btw.

And, their "leadership" is locally-grown rather than imported from afar.

Here's a famous quote from the Humanist Magazine which reveals the 
intentions of some (not all) who control public education: "... we are 
winning the battle for the hearts and minds of children in the classroom 
over the rotting corpse of Christianity."

And in today's news there was a report from CO concerning the NEA winning 
out over the voucher system. A long court battle will follow.

      David Anderson

Cliff, let's compare notes on "house of prayer" whenever you can come up 
for air.

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