House Church Talk - writing about HC to folks in IC's
cliffsilliman at
cliffsilliman at
Thu Oct 9 20:41:49 EDT 2003
Hi Bruce,
My main thoughts on what you wrote to your friend that when describing
hcs you were using a very limited example of what they are like. Some hcs
do follow 1 Corinthains 14. Elders and deacons are raised up and
acknowledge in some and in others they just function. Some hcs even
financial support their elders. Some hcs the sisters where head coverings
all the time, some just for the meetings some not at all. The diversity
in hcs is as great as their is in ics when talking about these issues.
The question about disgruntled people is interesting. When people start
going to a new ic is that question asked of them when they come? When the
protestant movement started was that a legitamate question to ask people
why they came?
random thoughts from northwest.
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