House Church Talk - Whatcha singing lately? and How ya singin' it?

Phillip Cohen spiritfilledhome at
Mon Oct 20 12:28:17 EDT 2003

Hey, one more thought about music. If you really want to connect with God
and each other, remember the song, hymn, chant, groan, grunt or whatever
you do is YOURS.

What I mean is, you're not confined to sing it according to the BOOK.
It's your song, between you and God and each other. Change the words, the
music, . . . whatever, so you can enjoy the worship experience. 

Make sure the "style" of the music opens the circle large enough so
everyone feels included. Many times it's not the song you're singing that
draws you into God's presence, but your love for God and each other, and
the freedom you give yourself and each other to worship in a way that
each person feels totally released into the presence of God. 

Here I'll interject my definition of worship: "Me being me in the
presence of God being Himself." 

A couple weeks ago, a Christian brother was here playing some mellow
classical style piano. I picked up my electric guitar, and tongue and
cheek, started weaving some blues runs into his hi-brow stuff. Next thing
I know, I'm singing  Psalm 31 in deep, Chicago blues style. "Uh," I said
to the brother, "I hope you're not offended. It just feels right to do
this" No problem on his part. We all felt good accepting each other.

See what I mean?

Walking by faith,
Phillip & Mary Cohen
spiritfilledhome at 
Blessed be the LORD God, Who only does wondrous things! Let the whole
earth be filled with His glory. Psalm 72: 18,19

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