House Church Talk - Prayer needed

Liz Smith liz.smith at
Fri Jul 2 16:46:17 EDT 2004

My husband and I just need some prayer from fellow Christians.  He was in  
a staff position at a young, but growing fast, church, which claimed to be  
non-denominational, but I have never heard so many jabs at other  
denominations.  Anyway, he stepped down after praying alot about it  
because he was asked to spend too much time at church and not enough with  
family.  The church, with it's new building and so many programs, had many  
needs and was to come first.  My husband felt God telling him that wasn't  
what serving Him was about.

Anyway, since then we have been persecuted by the pastor and staff there,  
and gossipped and lied about by them.  We had left quietly, not contacting  
others from the church (the pastor considered that gossip if we did, even  
though we had done no wrong).  We have been looking into home church and  
feel led that this is the way it should be...and now my husband is  
convinced.  It seems when men and women get that power that comes from  
leadership positions at church, Satan just grabs a hold of them. The  
paranoia at that church is astounding and the "sheep" are "protected" like  
they can't think for themselves -- it's almost cultish.

We have contacted several house churches in our area but no response, and  
we have friends that are also being led to house church, so we may start  
something up.  But please just pray for us as we do this.  It is such a  
shame that we have been treated this way by fellow "Christians" -- I would  
expect it from unbelievers.  My husband said he read on a house church  
forum somewhere that we would be persecuted by others if we ventured out  
on this, and it seems to be true.

In His Grace,
Liz Smith

The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are  
safe.  Proverbs 18:10

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