House Church Talk - Visualizing Christ

DanG dan.dgordon at
Wed Jul 28 21:37:12 EDT 2004

jim sutton wrote:
> I did appreciate what Adam seemed to be saying.  But Lee seemed to only be
> talking about his disappointment with the list, and with me in particular.  So
> I didn't see anything beyond his anger there.
> Maybe you can help me out.  Could you be very specific as to what the strong
> words were, so I can see what you're looking at?  Maybe if I stand where you
> are, and look in the same direction, I can see it too.
> Jim

Jim - I found a reasonable post in this thread by Lee.  Do you have
that post?  Did you want me to forward that post to the list again? 
The words were strongly stated to discourage the nebulous effort of
visualizing.  Perhaps you do not have that post?

When the words offer a potential warning - not an accusation, then a
warning - I see that tenor as watchman.  I may have that all wrong.

Perhaps you could elaborate more about the hunch you mention.  "Yes, I
had a hunch that you might have some very specific words in mind, and
no others."  I am a little lost as to what you mean.
DanG ChicagoArea

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