House Church Talk - Stillness

Phillip Cohen spiritfilledhome at
Wed Sep 22 04:30:35 EDT 2004

Dear Ones,

Learn inner silence. Sit alone and be still from deep within. 

Open the Bible to a pleasant passage and let its tender words soak deep
into your soul. 

Go ahead . . . 
        it's safe to be silent in God's presence 
                totally silent.

But what about all the brain chatter I experience? That's only the voice
of the enemy. Don't give satan's brainchatter an inch of territory in
your mind. Continue moving toward God's peace. After a few moments of
noise and chatter, the deeper stillness will come. 

spiritfilledhome at
But the LORD is in his holy temple: let all the earth keep silence before
him. Habakkuk 2:20

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