House Church Talk - A Bold Challenge! You want to go higher?

Phillip Cohen spiritfilledhome at
Fri Sep 24 21:20:39 EDT 2004

You want to go higher?

Here's how.

Write a list of everything you're thankful for. Start the list with the
date and "I am so happy and grateful for . . . "

Place that list where it's the last thing you see before going to sleep
and the first thing you see when you wake up. Each morning read the list
and deliberately choose those thoughts instead of any negative thoughts
you may have. You may want to read the list aloud.

Does anyone want to commit to doing that for a month? Let's watch what
the Lord does in our lives. 

Tomorrow I'll send my list. Anyone else who wants to can send their list.

spiritfilledhome at
But the LORD is in his holy temple: let all the earth keep silence before
him. Habakkuk 2:20

House Church Talk is sponsored by the House Church Network.

House Church Talk has been renamed. These discussions, via the web, now occur at the Radically Christian Cafe.