House Church Talk - I'm Disappointed

DanG dan.dgordon at
Tue Sep 28 17:27:00 EDT 2004

Gary wrote:
> I am in the process of studying the house church concept. I have no desire
> to rebound into something else without being as cerrtain as I can about it's
> Biblicity. This is not to say that I am suspicious, only cautious.
> I had moved out to the midwest eight years ago to go to seminary and prepare
> for what I now understand to be a conventional, or civil, or "habitual"
> pastorate. I love the Word of the Lord and believe the doctrines of grace as
> coming from that Word. I would ask your prayers for my study and the health
> of my family as we get back into the Bible. I'll tell you, seminary is the
> worst place to learn more of the Bible - I never studied it less than during
> my two years there.
> Earnestly contending,
> Gary

Sounds as if you are already a house church in reality.  This is in
concept not another denomination, another seeker assembly.  It is
however, sensitive to what God has for you and those with you.  For
instance, I have written above about the profound disappointment my
sons express about life.  We do not attend a meeting, seeker or
otherwise just for the sake of warming a bench and satisfying a
theological goal of "assembling" together.  Instead, we sit together
on sunday morning and read the Bible together.  We do this every
morning - a few of our family.  But on sunday, we all 8 of us sit
together and I read outloud.  I read the Bible and let it speak. 
Could I add to these words?  Yes, but I don't, nor does anyone else. 
If it is worth anything, let the Word be something, not my worthless
meandering "teachings" about what the Bible can say perfectly clearly.

Contending also, 
DanG ChicagoArea

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