Comment to 'Has anyone read Howard Snyder's book "The Community of the King?"'
  • Hey Buddy, the author of this book seems to be going strong and has written a number of other fascinating books. I really appreciate him and wish he could join us for a discussion of Community of the King, one of his earliest productions.

    Howard is an older gentleman now and I'd be curious to know his latest opinions and if any have changed over the years. Hopefully, all of us are changing for the better in our minds and lives. Still, it's so hard to admit we were wrong. Haha.

    I also appreciate the constructive nature of his writings. Too many writers in this genre are into the 'slash and burn' approach. 

    He emphasizes a gift orientation rather than a position orientation for the most efficent functioning of the Body of Christ. This point is worthy of our attention. 

    He has some very interesting free papers which can be downloaded:

    Anyone can preview this book on Amazon. 

    Dan, what are your findings? Like yourself, he has some Pentacostal roots...