Comment to 'Sarcasm finds its way into a modern translation. :)'
  • Hi there, dear Robert. Just as the content of this entry is facetious, so is the title. Yes, it's crazy.

    Rusty, the author, was a proponent of house churches back at the turn of the century. No doubt he was attempting to challenge others in a humorous way. Here's a little more about him from social media.

    On a serious note, it seems that there is a very real interplay of sorts in a scriptural church meeting. Just as everyone has the right, privilege, and duty to address the assembly, so also God has appointed elders (approved older ones) to be teachers and shepherds. "Not all are teachers," the scripture reminds us.

    We must also remember that in the Corinthian church, the charismatic gifts were regularly and proudly exhibited. I would not say that they have altogether ceased today but I have been in several (most) groups where these gifts were not in operation. And frankly, I am a little suspicious of several TV personalities who claim to have the gift of healing. 

    I'm not here to judge others in regard to this matter - I can only speak from my own experience. For certain, God tells us to love one another - which is usually more edifying than spiritual gifts. Both have their place, no doubt. 

    Also, it should be kept in mind that though "all" and "everyone" could participate with their charismatic gifts, only "two or three" tongue-speakers and prophets were to speak on one occasion. And an interpreter was required, too, if needed. So, it would appear to me that there were actually a few restrictions (and good principles) in place. Restrictions to promote order in these open meetings. Meetings which were a far cry from today where everyone is essentially "put on mute".

    Finally, Paul appears to be giving out directions here for "all the churches." Therefore,  IF in the passage of time, some or all of the charismatic gifts were eventually no longer possessed or utilized, the principle of freedom among the saints to speak up would still be in effect.

    Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.

    And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing. 1 Corinthians 13