Comment to 'end times prophecy'
  • Hi Karen, wherever you are today. We welcome you to this site. We see that you have just joined. You (and all others, of course) are our Guests of Honor. (Drum roll.)

    Oh, this is a matter of super importance. Please let us know what you have been learning. And what areas are you referring to, if I may be so bold to inquire. 

    So many different views and opinions, no?

    Most do not know or care but the US economy is still hanging by threads. In fact, more than 1 million dollars has been spent on behalf of every taxpayer. 

    It is true that Jesus, who takes care of the lilies, wants us to trust Him. Still, we notice that many characters in scripture could see trouble ahead and prepare for it. How does this balance out in modern times?

    What is the role of the church in the coming years and decades? I keep hoping that low-cost, high efficiency house churches will take off and succeed like never before but.... I don't really see this yet. Yet!

    Truly, when God gets our economic attention - He has our attention. : ) Things may get so bad that we might even have to turn to the Almighty in prayer and repentance...

    Regardless of all the daily news and everything swirling about, what is most important is the spread of the Good news while the window of opportunity exits. 

    One soul is worth more than all the world. For what does a man benefit if he gains the whole world and loses his soul?