Comment to 'Happy Easter!'
Comment to Happy Easter!
  • Hello dear brother, thank you for another message of encouragement. 

    For many centuries, the hierarchy-loving planners in the Catholic church devised more and more ways to stretch the limits of the "clergy and laity". The Lord's supper, for example, became a non-meal which could only be served by the non-laity. But that was not enough. The idea was floated that the wine could be transformed into the real blood of Jesus. Thus the Catholic service became a weekly magic show.  

    With modern chemistry we now know that the chemical state of the grape juice was not changed. So, will the purpretratrors of this myth apologize?

    I bring up the subject of chemistry today because in view of Easter and the resurrection, an amazing miraculous chemical transformation really did occur - as Our Lord was brought back from the dead. 

    Why not? Jesus is the creator-mastermind of all the sciences and their governing laws.  For him to control these laws is no challenge whatsoever. 

        Hallelujah, what a Savior!