Comment to 'The original context of the church'
  • Human nature has not changed. The young have frequently opposed their elders down through the ages.

    I've done my part... :) As I teenager, I heard a record by the Who. One of the lines was: "I hope I die before I get old". I remember recoiling at that, knowing inside that it displeased the Almighty.

    I would like to ask Pete Townsend today: Now that YOU are old, do you still want to die? But I already know the answer.

    No. Elders are no longer VIPs as they were in times past. Actually, many do not deserve to be VIPs. Some are more immature than youths.

    Going back through history, we notice the first mention of elders are the elders of... Egypt. I recall Ruth being commended for pursing an older guy. And Rehaboam taking his cues from the young men - not the elders.

    Brother Dan, soooo good to see you, my long-time friend.

    I'll now post a short video piece of a fine message from a faithful brother. You will find it interesting to this discussion. 

    As you noticed, I've been pretty keen on the subject of eldership. Because many Christian seniors do not have a clue that they are to encourage and shepherd the young. See 1 Peter 5.

    Thankfully for some - their instincts are better than their doctrines and they do it anyway.

    Regrettable, we made an office and a profession out of a elder in the church - more akin to a Parish Priest than a caring brother in Christ.

    Not noticing that some versions of the Bible contain more than half a dozen insertions of the word office, regarding leadership roles.

    What could be more natural within the body of Christ than for the old to watch out for the younger ones?