Comment to 'CS Lewis - not a big fan of traditional church'
  • Hi David. Your timing on this post, as usual, is most excellent. Just a few hours before you posted this, I posted my thoughts on a related CS Lewis YouTube video to a small group of my Christian friends. We consider ourselves misfits because none of us fits well into the traditional Christian mold, although some still do attend an institutional church. Anyway, the video that I watched was titled "The BRUTAL Truth About Why You Never Fit In - And Why It Will NEVER will". It's taken me far too long to learn the lessons from this video, but the video itself is not responsible for my transition out of the institutional church. Instead, it affirms my choice, as have so many other signs from God. As I seek answers to where God would have me be, I look to Scripture to keep me on the narrow path.

    Rather than rewrite my thoughts for this group here, I am posting my thoughts to my small group verbatim. As always, feedback is welcome...

    Hey there fellow saints, I think that this video from CS Lewis (link below) is something that we can all relate to in some way. It's about the difference between fitting in and belonging. I have seldom ever fit in, and even in those times where I have felt like part of a tribe then I've still been somewhat of an outsider, never quite walking in step with those around me. I've come to a place in my life where I avoid gatherings outside of my immediate family, mostly because the conversation seems shallow and awkward. Seldom do my Christian friends want to talk about things that are meaningful and eternal. If you mention Christ, you might get a knowing head nod and an acknowledgment that Jesus is Lord of all Creation, but little more
    Our group here represents the first time that I've ever felt like I really belonged somewhere. I love that we truly see ourselves bound together as members of Christ's Body. For myself, I feel free from the requirements imposed by being a member of a specific church or denomination. You have all accepted me as I am. I have found my home here. For that I am eternally grateful
    I like the part later in the video where CS Lewis says that God didn't save us so that we could fit in but rather so that He could bring us out and set us apart from worldly standards and expectations. I think that the video makes an important point that this doesn't mean that we should live as hermits, but rather that we need to be aligned with God's will regardless of the circumstances

    So here is the video for your edification -