Comment to 'Part of the Problem, or Part of the Solution?'
  • Hello, my dear brother. So good to hear from you and of your exciting journey into truth. Truth with Jesus Christ at the center.

    I am also from Knoxville as I used to live there, part time. Every night, I drove a brown truck over to Callahan Drive. Then, from there, went to the airport to wait for a 757 cargo jet. Then back to Bristol as the sun came up. For 14 years I did this.

    So many fine people around that City. I will never forget them.

    We've just located to the Atlanta area and are on the road for one more day. We'll pick up this thread asap. I know you have much to share.

    Eric, may the Lord direct your steps in the non-traditional pathway. And bring like-minded others across your path.