Hello readers. Hello brothers. Yes, actions without a sincere heart are worse than no actions. As the Lord said through Isaiah the prophet: Who hath required all this religious activity of you? I am weary of it. Is 1:12.
And using religion of any kind to gain control over others is just wrong. Yet it happens as we speak.
The church, which is composed of Christians, was supposed to be the salt of the earth. Light of world and a city on hill which could not be hid. They were to have influence for the glory of God's name and for his Kingdom on earth. Not their own selfish interests, of course.
If they failed, better to have been cast aside as worthless salt which lost it savor.
Jesus was supposed to have been the Lord of all life and learning. Every sphere, public or private, visible or invisible belonged to Him. In ALL things, including family, church, and civil government, he was to have the pre-eminence. In fact, the civil leaders are called his servants or "deacons".
If the church is occupied with entertainment or using God to become rich or using him merely to pursue well-adjusted private lives, with little or no interest in HIS mission - they indeed deserve to be ignored and to have their influence be further diminished, even thrown out.
While others are circling the wagons, running for the exists, and retreating on every front, every day I will continue to pray: Your Kingdom come, your will be done. ON EARTH as it is in heaven. For myself, I will lock arms with any Christian seeking God's will. Their opinion of the "house church movement" is not very important to me.
Personally, I do not believe that the "good old days" were all that good in many ways. So I am pressing on, praying for better days ahead and an outpouring his Spirit. As people are (voluntarily, not legislatively) changed, one by one, society, culture, and community standards will invariably also be improved.
Magazine covers such as this are based on math. The story-line is always about percentages. For me, I want to see the number of true Christians increase.
Please join me at the throne and let us pray for true conversions and true revival. God's mission is not to condemn the world but that the world through his Son might be saved. The end effect will be a vast multitude which none can number from every tribe, nation and language.
I pray that every Christian will realize that they are a co-equal minister in order to serve others. And that the church, at last, will become the servant church. Committed to charity rather than being a charity, itself. Only then, can a nation or a culture truly be transformed.
"Behold I make ALL things new" ~ Jesus Christ.