Comment to 'The Support of Preachers by Anonymous'
  • Hello my brother. Always great to hear from you. And where we might disagree, you're probably right. Haha.

    Jesus did not believe that making merchandise of the truth was a delicate matter. Imagine the tables and money pots flying through the air. And the stinging whip of the Son of God finding it's mark.

    And remember - the profiteers were breaking no laws. They thought they were "serving the Lord". And aiding in "worship".

    Jesus looked into their hearts and saw their motives. Just as the apostles looked into the greedy hearts of Ananias and Sapphira and Simon Magus. Not to mention all the false teachers who were teaching: "Godliness is GAIN".

    As for tax exempt status, we'll be thinking more about it. It's a government subsidy obviously. But for what? Most churches are not truly "non-profit" at all. Rather, they are businesses "for profit". When the profits stop - they cease to exist.

    Rather than non-profit, I think of them as being non-prophet...