Comment to 'A Long Story'
Comment to A Long Story
  • Welcome my dear brother Cal. Yes, we know that Jesus is in our midst regardless of the number. Thank you for introducing yourself!

    There are about 900 registered users here but the vast majority do not share. Which is OK.

    With the push of a button, there should be convenient video calls available directly from this site, via jitsi. But alas - there apparently is a glitch which I have just discovered in the Messenger app. I will get back with you as soon as possible.

    The standard membership is the main one. Most of the features are available. You should be able to post photos and links and discussions. youTube videos can also be also embedded.

    As you are aware, stored video (unlike streaming video or embedded links) requires huge amounts of memory. Making backups almost unmanageable. In the past, people have uploaded huge videos which were not particularly related to house church themes. So, videos are restricted at this point.

    However, short videos can be emailed to me. I can probably shrink them down to fit and then post them.

    Thankfully, there are many general interest Christian sites where general topics can be discussed. And big files can be uploaded and permanently stored, I would suppose.

    Hang on, I'll get back with you soon. Hopefully, in the days ahead, others will read your 'long story' and and like "the forlorn and ship-wrecked brother" find their way back to the Savour's arms.