House Church Talk - Directed by the Spirit

jim pierceall jpierceall at
Sat Nov 15 09:02:10 EST 2003

Cliff writes:  <<Her desire is to be a channel for Christ love and power.
> is not comfortable speaking yet God keeps providing opportunities. She
> wants to be received and respected. Hard for her sometimes that we are
> such weird birds.
> Cliff Silliman <cliffsilliman at>
> 1 Corinthians 14:15>>

Oh yes, Cliff - and not only for Jennie, but for all those led of the
Spirit, that we might open our mouths/hearts, and NOT have just more dust
fall out...  That a spark of flame might go out and NOT return void. But
this immeasurable treasure goes out w/ an impact of hope towards, for what
Chip just reminded us - "A world that continues to fall - and is NOT
advanced as lying eyes, would suppose!"

I suppose I could hear in your post a frustration, that we live this Life,
in the midst of "plenty", yet become so quickly satisfied w/ the "weak and
beggarly"...  We stand at a table spread w/ every nutritional and tasty dish
imaginable, but so often we step back and see we are just standing and
milling around in conversation, and have found the time has been satisfied
and wasted on snack foods...

Lord Jesus, I plea!  These vessels of clay, desire earnestly to carry this
immeasurable treasure - please direct our steps...  We Love you Lord!  \O/
and nothing in this world compares w/ YOU!  \O/

JimP - kentucky

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