House Church Talk - wHISPERS OF aNGELS

jim pierceall jpierceall at
Sun Feb 15 09:48:25 EST 2004

I arose before the first one wrote
before the first morn broke
before the sun that woke - the earth
before the first dawn's sound was heard

I am the whisper of angels
and I am, the frost upon the grass
and I am, the shadow at twilight - in triumph
I am your first and last

I am the rush - the fire within your veins
across the desert plains - I ride
I am the hush - the ache a heart does make
when love surrounds

I am the whispers of angels
and I am, the frost upon the grass
and I am, the shadow in tri-light - in triumph
I am your first and last

I am He that is Light
He that is Life -
He that is Love -
I am

<adaptation of Whisper of Angels by Amy Sky>

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