House Church Talk - Visualizing Christ

DanG dan.dgordon at
Thu Jul 22 12:27:02 EDT 2004

Phillip Cohen wrote:
> Hi Lee,
> So you don't visualize things? You have no dreams or goals? Just trying
> to make it through the day? I spent most of my life like that. Very
> boring, depressing, black and white. Dark Ages stuff.
> In the last days, we'll see visions and dream dreams. Does that mean
> they'll always come down from God? Never birthed from within? Never the
> dreams and desires of our own hearts? Who placed those visions there?
> Look around you. Practically every invention that surrounds us began with
> a thought, a dream, a vision, a desire. We could debate the issue till
> Jesus comes. Fact is, we do visualize, whether positive or negative. And
> then we move toward that vision.
> Blessings,
> Phillip

Phillip - please tell us what you mean in terms of visualize and Jesus
Christ our Saviour and Lord.

Visualizing a concept or product - a new widget, or atomic model is
one thing - I think I understand what you say here on that, but I am
unsure or unclear about what you mean with respect to Jesus and
visualize, perhaps.

Perhaps you could tell us more of what you mean when you speak of
visualize and Jesus.  Or, give some examples so we can visualize what
you are saying ;-)

DanG ChicagoArea

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