House Church Talk - Visualizing Christ

DanG dan.dgordon at
Thu Jul 22 21:54:34 EDT 2004

Kenneth C. Vendler wrote:
> I think that any attempts at visulaizing Christ, as far as what he looked
> like, are absolutely wrong and are to be eschewed as evil.
> First of all, God forbids us to make images of "human beings or birds or
> four-footed animals or reptiles" for devotional purposes. This, even if it
> is of Jesus of Nazareth, is expressly verbotten. Secondly, it introduces a
> false mode of interaction/mediation with the Father. Jesus Christ is the one
> mediator and any image of Him, whether mental or concrete is an obstruction
> to learning the true Christ. "Where two or three are gathered in my name"
> becomes circumvented by the fallen and depraved imagination of man.
> There is no mental image you can make of Jesus that will do him justice and
> I would urge you to *not* do it.
> Kenneth and Kerrie Vendler
> Florence, KY

I cannot speak for Phillip who began this dialog, but I am thinking
that the visualization he is speaking about is not this idolatrous
type of thing.  That is why I asked for further clarification from him
about what this is that he is contemplating and asking about.  I may
be wrong.  I have no real handle on what is being talked about, but I
agree with you Kenneth and also Lee in what you say.  I just want more
information before I assume I know what is being done.  The truth, the
Bible is waaaay more than any of us can completely grasp, and God is
soooo verrrry gracious in giving the Word of God for us to have, hold,
understand, know - that it is purely of God that any real
understanding of sin or judgement or salvation is understood at all. 
DanG ChicagoArea

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