House Church Talk - Visualizing Christ

jim pierceall jpierceall at
Mon Jul 26 09:24:28 EDT 2004

---- Original Request: from PhillipC.  > I'm stuck. Can you help me? Have
you successfully >created an image of
> Jesus in your mind that helps you and is accurate with the Bible?

> An upbeat, inspiring discussion on this topic would be very refreshing

Hi Phillip - Trusting that you never intended to imply facial/physical
characteristics...  I am reminded of Moses...  Though he had received
personal revelation and numerous encounters with the Lord - Moses hungered
for more...  He really really wanted to know God more deeply - more

In the wonderfully rich account found in Exodus 33, we find some highly
stimulating thoughts being summoned...

v 7 - anyone personally inquiring of the Lord, would have to "go outside the
camp"...  reminding us of Heb 13 - a NT principle
v 11  direct meetings were offered Moses in directness
v 14  The Lord's presence would go w/ them
v 15 Moses acknowledges that should God not go w/ them, it would be better
that they go nowhere.
 All of this as a lead in to get to where I think your question is centered
Phillip...  When Moses asks, "Now show me your glory".

Now the Lord responds very exceedingly tantalizingly...  v 19 "I will cause
my goodness to pass in front of you, I will proclaim my name (identity), The
Lord, in
your presence... <snip>

Now be it face identity or identity as w/ a name recognition...  we describe
who the"who is"...

Not to be complicated - If I said the name PhillipC - those that recognize
that name might have understanding  and if combined w/ those that have met
PhillipC face to face the identity is narrowed to a more exacting... right?
And while we have never met face to face Phillip, by your name and posting I
have something of a feel for you...  In fact, as we desire to know no man
after the fleshly characteristics, I have an impression by your many
encouraging sharings, per this list...  I can safely say, I have grown to
know something of PhillipC ...  More exchanges should generate greater
identifications.. right?  I trust this is true w/ our Lord also...

Moving through Exodus 33: 19, 10, 21, 22, and 23...  God is gonna grant
Moses request (hope that is encouraging Phillip, O;>)

Exodus 34:5,6
5 And the Lord descended in the cloud and stood there with him and he called
upon the name (Identity) of the Lord.
6 Then the Lord passed by in front of him and proclaimed,
        "The Lord, the
        Lord God, compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding
        lovingkindness and truth (covenant faithfulness), who keeps
        for thousands, who forgives iniquity, transgression and sin.

Phillip, I believe with these "Self descriptions" - "The Lord, the Lord God,
compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in lovingkindness
and truth (covenant faithfulness), who keeps lovingkindness for thousands,
who forgives iniquity, transgression and sin.

We have God giving us His Identity - immutable substantive virtue - the
manner in which He desires to be seen and known...  Much deeper that the
standard facial recognitions that most lean towards...

Many are content to stand in the stream, but Phillip, I am encouraged to go
to the Spring Head...

What a Lord we serve!  \O/

JimP - kentucky


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