House Church Talk - compassion for sinners - does it mark our house churches

David Anderson david at
Thu Jul 22 23:22:08 EDT 2004

      Hi all,

A five thousand year-old understanding of the family is incrementally 
being overturned in the West via unelected officials. And who else is 
leading this revolution? Many church leaders are, despite the opposing 
views of those in the pew.

I was buzzing on my phone a few days ago with Dan Beaty of Ohio, who 
expressed that the church should be as busy to save troubled marriages as 
it was to enter the legislative arena to protest the new marriage laws. 

Truth is, broken marriages and broken homes will only increase the number 
of those who will eventually participate in abnormal behavior patterns.

Were you aware that most gay men suffered a serious, psychic disconnect 
with their dads in their early years? Were you aware that most lesbians 
were molested in their early years? Often too, in the background of a 
lesbian, is an abusive former mate or male. Abusive males are out there 
in great numbers are they not?

So, let us look with extreme pity upon these deeply wounded souls and 
lead them to the Saviour by words and deeds. 

Because we are children of Adam, we are all self-destructive in some way 
but the power of Jesus can enable us to die to sin and live unto 
righteousness. Change is what the Gospel is about - old things are past 

Let us remember "the rock from which we were hewn" Is: 51. And the grace 
of God, who sent his Son not to call the righteous but sinners to 
repentance. 1 Cor. 6:10-11 Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor 
idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with 
mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor 
extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some OF YOU.

     David Anderson

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