House Church Talk - Phil & his Visualizing

jim sutton goodword at
Sun Jul 25 09:37:51 EDT 2004

Rick Smith wrote:

>Brother Lee and Brother Jim,

>Might I humbly suggest that the two of you work out your difference in 
> private, rather than using the forum as a platform to
>perform a nominally Christian jousting contest that it is obvious neither  of 
>you will concede victory ot the other in.  Then let us all return in a 
> spirit of unity to the task of helping individuals to discover the joys  and 
>the wonder of serving God almighty as his Church in our houses.

I appreciate your good sentiments, Rick.  

Actually, though, none of the recent posting has been about a disagreement 
between Lee and myself.  Lee simply happened to be one of the brothers who 
responded to my recent remarks, and in so doing, I'm sure he voiced some of 
the strong feelings that others also share.

The goal, however is not the immediate feelings, but the continued growth in 
each of our lives.  May all good seed produce its own good fruit in good time.

As to the HC thing, I'd have to agree with what Bruce just said in his post. 
 In the context of discussing the things that matter to each of us, we may end 
up touching on most anything.  

But the active participation of brethren such as you and Lee in the group may 
often help to keep the whole list on track.  Thanks for sharing your heartfelt 


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