House Church Talk - fatal house church attraction

David Anderson david at
Fri Jul 30 13:02:53 EDT 2004

    Hi all,

Without naming any names today and speaking from several years of reading 
dialogue from the house church discussion lists, I have come to believe 
that house churches --attract-- a few folks who lack the social skills of 
getting along with ANY other Christians.

These are soooo spiritually sensitive that they can always find doctrinal 
errors, evil motives, and a lack of love in just about every setting. 
Inevitably, they exit their house churches (and lists) and usually play 
the martyrdom card along the way. This is also one reason why so many 
"home church gatherings" have ended in dispute and disharmony.

It would, btw, never occur to these in a hundred million years that the 
problem might be within rather than without... 

    "Gosh, I got so wounded in the IC - now the HC, too."

So, may God help us all to show forth the fruits of his mighty Spirit and 
to demonstrate truth and love whether it is returned or not. Even 
Pharisees loved those who loved them.

    David Anderson

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