House Church Talk - Passion

Mike a0006374 at
Mon Mar 1 07:02:43 EST 2004

I have now seen the movie twice, both times with small groups of my home
church so we could meet and discuss the movie afterwards.  The beatings and
scourging, IMHO, were not overdone.  If anything, after studying ancient
Rome and their attitudes of Palestine and having t serve there at that time,
the beatings were underplayed.  By far the majority of people did not
survive the beatings, that is why Pilate gave the specific order not to kill
him in the beating.  There were some inaccuracies that surprised me and
Mel's personal religious convictions were evident through some scenes
portraying Mary.  I was most disappointed that he left out the Centurion's
declaration in Mark 15:39, Truly this man was the Son of God.  I was also
disappointed that it appeared an earthquake tore the veil in the Temple and
it was torn, the best I could tell, from the bottom to the top.

In my personal opinion I think the movie will have a limited evangelistic
effect, but a greater effect on Christians in moving them away from the
gentle Jesus meek and mild who "just" died for our sins to a deeper
realization of just what a horrible price our sins did cost our Savior in
agony and suffering.

Just my personal, brief take on the movie
Mike S

-----Original Message-----
From: House Church Talk -bounces at
[mailto:House Church Talk -bounces at]On Behalf Of
cliffsilliman at
Sent: Sunday, February 29, 2004 11:22 PM
To: House Church Talk  at
Subject: House Church Talk -  Passion

I saw the movie yesterday. The woman who played Mary Magdalene was the
best supporting actress acting I have ever seen, quite a moving
portrayal. I appreciated the imagery that the movie showed. Also
appreciate the wisdom shown by Mr. Gibson in doing all he did to get the
movie in to wide circulation. May we show wisdom in dealing with
questions, even the inaccuracies in movie to use this as a tool for the
gospel of the kingdom.

Cliff Silliman <cliffsilliman at>
1 Corinthians 14:15

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