
We received constructive criticism several days ago and are always grateful for it. We readily admit that there are usability issues which must be fixed.

David, have y’all considered putting a help section up for answering questions concerning the website? Various parts of it do not seem to navigate well, or not at all. If there was a FAQ section for people like myself, that would be very helpful in trying to figure out some of this.

True enough. There is a Help link at the bottom of each page. Most, however do not scroll down to the very bottom. Yes, it needs to be expanded and better organized. Organization, by the way, is our goal. To be able to present things in an organized way. Otherwise, your precious time is being wasted. And that is poor stewardship.

Case in point…Groups. I assumed that if I went to groups and started one for ours, I would be able to add myself as a member. But I can’t figure out how. Also, I see others have added profile pictures, but every time I try it adds it as a background. So I thought maybe if I add it to photos it will allow me to pull from that. It did not, in fact, it deleted what I added.

 "Groups" is a one word menu/navigation item which is surely misleading.  It is for local and state-wide groups. Not individual house churches. House churches can be found on the map. The map is here.

From the Help page: "Groups, state and national, will be developed over time. Some are in place already. Please feel free to join and to post your local interests. Please inform us if you would like to see a particular group to be formed."

 I hope that eventually there will be enough interest so that these groups will form. Presently, I think that the "Create Group" is disabled, which resulted in the deletion you experienced. For now, if you email me, I can add your group.

 The problem here is there are many ways to name a group. Unless there is a consistent naming convention, the names will make too much confusion. The Group name should have the Country, the state or Province first, in order for a quick search - if the list of groups increases.

 As always, we appreciate the positive feedback. If one visitor notices things amiss, many others do also. Our thanks go out today to the caring person who took the time and called the issues to our attention. 

By the way, if you have a website, ministry, or business of any kind, please take a moment in the Discussion Forums and tell others. The Forum category to choose is called: your internet sites.

 David Anderson, serving as site administrator

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