Home schooling surges. Why not home churching?

Several weeks ago, I mentioned about what I felt were exaggerated statistics concerning house church attendance. I went back to my files and discovered that the claim was being made that 1 in 5 adults were doing house church. Sounds a little high, huh? I'm surprised that 20% of adults have even heard of it. This would mean that there are home churches on virtually every street in America. And on every block.

And, the rate of growth was "exponential". All this was being reported in the year 2006.

Oh well, they're the expert statisticians - not me. And these are "hard statistics". Hard, as in hard to believe. Interestingly, the person behind the statistics wrote a book on the subject... How convenient. Announce the "Revolution" - they will come.

Also in the news: Our education system in the USA is failing our kids according to more statistics. Education often gives way to indoctrination - even sexualisation. Viet Nam now surpasses our students in math and science, for example, As a result, many parents are turning to home schooling.

The institutional church is also losing ground (members and credibility) in the USA. So, why no surge in home churching?


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