
In the literature of the non-traditional church world, teachers are seldom given a prominent position. Things are usually about the individual - his or her voice, his or her needs, etc.

Some writers have asserted that unless everyone is "mutually participating" and "one-anothering" in every meeting, then "Jesus is robbed of his Headship." Such a view seems to be an overstatement to me if not outright false. Nothing we do can affect the absolute unwavering Lordship of King Jesus... After He arose, God set (past tense) him at his own right hand in the heavenly places, Far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come: And has put all things under his feet and gave (past tense) him to be the head over all things. Eph 1

In the traditional church world, teachers are sometimes given too much attention. "Come to this church - our pastor is a great teacher," they might say.

Back to the non-traditional world, those who write about "full participation" attend conferences where they are in the prominent position as the "main speaker". Others become "spectators", to use their terminology, and are limited to perhaps asking a question at a later time... but it's OK for them, you see. I've noticed where they later describe themselves as "conference speakers" and seek to monetize their conference speeches :)

Somewhere, teachers certainly do have a place in the Kingdom. If they have that place, then surely they must have their space. That space could be quite flexible and fluid, formal or informal. This should not interfere with the liberties of other brothers and sisters, of course.

Jesus, you recall, went about preaching and teaching. Sometimes for a long part of the day. Both elder men and elder women are urged to teach. Younger ones also, as opportunities come along.

For your consideration today: And God has placed in the Church first of all apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then miracles, then gifts of healing, of helping, of guidance, and of different kinds of tongues. Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers? Do all work miracles? 1 Cor. 12:28-29

So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors. and the teachers. Eph. 4:11

I can only conclude from these texts that teachers are official in the grand scheme of things.

Regardless of the precise details or the lack thereof regarding Christian teachers, I am thankful for the teachers in my life. The majority of them were excellent. At times, the teaching I needed may have just been a smile or a frown.

What about your experience?

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Replies (1)
    • It seems to me that really good teachers are few and far between in both the Christian and non-Christian worlds. In school, I had a Science and Math teacher who was outstanding. He was supposed to go up on one of the Skylab flights, but a routine medical search of his background discovered some issues that prevented him from going up in space. So NASA had to let him go.

      I was amazed at his ability to teach math. He would present a standard way to solve a problem and then watch his students. Once he figured out who was not getting it. He would change tactics and give another way to work the formula. He did this over and over again in such a way that everyone's grades were excellent as he found ways for his students to fully understand.

      As a result, I have come to appreciate true teachers who can present solutions (spiritual and otherwise) in different ways so that people actually learn.

      Equipping students with real spiritual tools and not concepts I feel is a sign of not only a good teacher but one who has acquired a few road miles in life.

      There are a lot of people in the world who would gladly claim the title of Apostle, prophets, and such, but that is because they crave recognition. This is immaturity, this is carnal thinking hiding behind a veil of pretense. And as long as people are untrained to recognize them. They will continue to protect their market share of followers from the truth.

      But the good teachers are the ones I would gladly make room for in our fellowship because I know the people will be blessed by the teaching.

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