Just a Closer Walk...

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Comments (2)
    • Here's a beautiful leaf from an old book. Published long before most of you discovered America. In 1661. When small printed s's looked like f's. The author is one Thomas Brooks.

      Just remember that we are part of a mighty river of saints over many decades, centuries, and millennia who love Christ, follow Christ, and desire to follow Him more closely as time goes by.

      But walking in the light with Jesus Christ is seldom easy. If we are bragging about our progress - it likely is not that great. Yes, there are actually people bragging about how deep their spirituality is. Pretending theirs is much deeper than those of previous times.

      • as it is written, "Let him who boasts, boast in the Lord."
        [I Corinthians 1:31]

        See what God has done!

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