Spatial Disorientation

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Allow me to share this eerie, unforgettable photo. Many lessons can be learned. It's a downed helicopter, offshore from a small private island in the Bahamas. It is in very shallow water - thus the grass and unusual light from above. The owner and all occupents perished. Chris Cline was a multi-billionaire. From my Mom's home town in WV. He entered the coal mines at age 15.

When one takes off in total darkness, spatial disorientation can quickly occur. Especially when you leave the bright lights of the landing area. 

Are we not in danger when we choose darkness rather than light? Whenever we take our eye off the Saviour? Our bright and morning Star. Will we follow his holy word as a wise pilot will follow his gauges? Or will we trust our feelings? 

Will we walk by faith or will we walk by sight? The stakes can be very high.

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