Hidden Agenda.... Revealed

We're are not here to discuss partisan politics. Important though it is - it is not our focus. Try to put that aside and examine this clergy person's words as she scolds a world leader who was recently visiting her church.

By the way, in a biblical meeting format no-one gets to pelt another with words. Everyone had a right to speak. To reply, to question, or to say Amen. See 1 Corinthians 14.

This Bishop is very subtly seeking to justify a slave-class who will do the dirty work for others. For others who are presumed unable or unwilling to do it for themselves.

Yes, the church is called upon to be a relief agency. Individual Christians also will eventually be asked: "What did you do for the least of these?" This will involve time and money. It will also take courageous Christian pastor/teachers who echo the apostle's doctrine and declare: If any man will not work - neither should he eat. Likewise, those not providing for their own families (ands widows) - they have actually left the faith.

By the way, I would like to hear a "Christian Nationalist" admit that the Nanny State is largely due to the monumental failure of the Christian church, particularly in its use of money. I hope this admission comes soon.

The true church must immediately divest itself of all profit-making schemes involving the Story. Be it for "preaching" or charging for christian music or books. These latter items can easily be distributed for free. So why put them behind a paywall and limit the audience? The plain answer is greed. Those outside the church figured this out long ago. And they kept walking.

Out-of-the-institutional church people have a golden opportunity to take matters into their own hands. And cut the middle man (or woman) out.

We must overcome evil with good. Every Christian must be or become a minister (servant) in Jesus' name! If you haven't noticed - trouble is everywhere.

Our Lord declared: Freely you received - now freely give. Not: Freely you received in order to repackage and turn a profit.

Jesus Christ - the greatest story ever... sold.

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