The Mysterious "Call to Preach"

Hi All, this clip goes back to the Sixties. My point is that the dramatic call to preach is vastly overrated.

Do notice that this gentleman from Wales did not require a miraculous call to preach. Instead he had burning convictions. If you have such a call - wonderful. If so, you are like Saul on the Road to Damascus and many others since. 

But please respect those who do not have such a remarkable call. Because it is not required. A "call" may be the response of an obedient servant to "go into all the world."

Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones went on to leave his post at the hospital and proclaim Christ for almost 40 years!

The harvest is still great and the laborers still few. Let's not hinder one another. If another brother or sister has a "burning conviction"  - just stand back...  :)

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