The real "Lord's Supper"?

I took this clip over the weekend in the Atlanta area where we have just moved to. Most of these saints are part of other churches but their home meetings are completely independent.

I was surprised that their attention span greatly exceeds what I was used to. The meetings go on for 3-4 hours. I was also amused by the large quantities of food they enjoyed.

Anyway, I sometimes wonder if fellowship meals such as this better represent the true meaning of what has become the modern "Lord's Supper". This is a real meal where hunger and thirst are truly relieved and the body strengthened.

The Corinthian church had problems in this area but the solution set forth by the apostle was not to reduce their supper to a ceremonial micro-meal.

In the same letter he wrote: Whether therefore you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it with God in mind.

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