Unhappy about us...

Down boy, down ... Haha.

Seriously, I should not judge this guy's motives too fast. He's likely just sincerely wrong. Only knowing what he has been taught all of his life. So, he may not necessarily be worried about money coming in for a new pool upgrade.

Comments (1)
    • I saw this video yesterday and posted the following comment on YouTube...

      Rather than trying to convince a guy like this that he's not following Scripture, I take the position that if you're arguing about church policy and not bringing Christ to me then you have no authority within the ekklesia. Hebrews 13:17 is a favorite verse of elders to justify their rule, but if you back up 10 verses to verse 7 then you'll find this... "Remember your leaders, those who spoke to you the word of God. Consider the outcome of their way of life, and imitate their faith." Clearly, a leader is one who speaks the word of God - namely, our sinful state, our need for a Savior, and the redemptive work of Christ. I'm not sure what this guy's motivation is for his rant, but it's certainly not to teach the faithful about the suffering, death, and resurrection of our Lord Jesus.

      This gets me right back to the ABCs of the church - Anything But Christ. All of these things are just distractions that get us bickering over theological positions and away from discussing our dear Lord and Savior. Do you think that this "pastor" really cares about the development of the faith of his flock? Should he not care more that people are gathering in the name of Jesus rather than worrying about how they gather? For anyone who wants to be a spiritual leader, besides being a Christian in the manner of 1 John 4, I believe that it's imperative that they view **all** Christians as equals since we are all equally sinful in the eyes of God. After six decades of being in the institutional church, God has opened my eyes to how destructive it is, especially the denominational systems which encourage division and mistrust rather than foster unity and edification.

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