Comment to 'Consumed by the Form and not the Life'
  • Truer words were never spoken! Thank you, brother Robert. This post should be re-read often. I hope that many will discover it in the days ahead.

    Some "house church" writers have even gone so far to say that unless you have an official church planter, then you should wait for one because they are absolutely indispensable. Sure, it would be nice to have a temporary leader to coach everyone about every matter but I would not say it is required.

    For starters, where is this phrase "church planter" found in Scripture? And what are his or her duties? Yes, the Gospel seed is planted - no dispute about that part.

    And amazingly, some would even question whether we are called to assemble. 

    So let us overcome evil with good. And demonstrate the love by which the Saviour declared that others would know that we belong to Him. 

    And let us acknowledge God's presence in our midst, whether many or few.