Comment to 'Observation'
Comment to Observation
  • Hi all. Hello V A. You have blessed us with another informative post.

    When something is repeated three times, you know it's serious. Listen to Jeremiah, in chapter 7: 

    This is what the LORD Almighty, the God of Israel, says: Reform your ways and your actions, and I will let you live in this place.

    Do not trust in deceptive words and say, “This is the temple of the LORD, the temple of the LORD, the temple of the LORD!”

    I can imagine that the prophet's detractors had uncomplimentary names for him when they challenged Jeremiah and pointed to the outward signs of their faith in God and of his presumed protection.

    "Hey Jeremiah, ain't nothing bad is going to happen to us. Look, there is the Temple, you big idiot." 

    We know from history however that national judgment did indeed visit and that the prophet's warnings were completely valid. And that outward signs were no substitute for a heart for God.

    It's one thing to say that "God is with us." But we should also inquire: Are we with Him?

    Lord God Almighty, have your own way with us today. And lead us to the Savior's side that we may walk with him and be a blessing to others in his name. Amen.