Comment to 'Closeness of the church'
  • Thank you, dear sister for the exciting report regarding your meeting. And for your analysis concerning several topics. And thank your joining in the ongoing discussions!

    Yes, the Western brand of individualism prohibits the outworking of family principles and fellowship with the body of Christ. In fact, it's the opposite of the mutual love we we must show to the saints and to the world beyond the church.

    Jesus came not to be served but to serve. And to give his life a ransom for many.

    Somehow, we must identify this problem and turn it around for God's glory and for the good of mankind. But how? Only by the Spirit of God. Because this generation is defined by three words: Me, my, and mine.

    Btw, I've noticed that most Asian people would never send their parents away to a nursing home, whether here or in the native land.

    I recently heard about two Hispanic brothers who donated large sums of money so that their sister could receive higher education. Wow!