Closeness of the church

I had a very good time of fellowship with a couple brethren yesterday. I just met them for the first time about a week ago and yesterday was the first time where we actually sat down, had some food together and had a few hours of fellowship, talked about various issues in Christendom today, our journey as His followers, Scripture related things, etc. and at the end prayed together (praise the Lord!) As we were talking, one of the things that came up was if I have brethren in the area that I really connect with. (I knew what he was talking about) And I gave him my answer. He asked why I think there is such a problem in this area (most relationships among brethren in the church being so shallow) and why this is an issue today in Christendom and I laid out my thoughts about what I believe are the reasons and what can/should be done to change this (as this is something I have thought about a lot and have written about).This is really a huge issue I believe - there being so little/almost no close bonding/intimate relationships among brethren in the church and that just being how it is (the norm). Most relationships that one has in a local church (or universal church – here in the US) are very shallow (as he described it – relationships where it’s just saying hi, how are you and maybe briefly talking about how the week was - and that’s it – that’s how far the relationship goes) and only with a very small number/percentage of those in the church people may have a bit of a deeper/close relationship. It’s supposed to be the case where you have brethren you’re really close to that you feel (and are) brothers/sisters/family members with (which is what we are in Christ – siblings that have the same Father) that you are very close to and family with and when it comes to men with men and women with women - can share intimate things/struggles/issues with – things that you wouldn’t feel comfortable sharing with others, you can and do with them – because there’s such a trust and bond; you hold each other accountable, you check on each other, and feel comfortable doing so - you feel comfortable sharing even personal things; they're those you can call up at night when you need a brother/sister to talk to, help and be helped when you’re in need, etc. Sadly this is so missing in lots of churches and it’s a real big issue that some really recognize, others don’t recognize because they just don’t know anything of it (whether from experience or from their knowledge of Scripture). This issue came up a few times even just recently. One of them was a couple days ago from brethren living far away who are having a hard time finding a church where there’s actual biblical relationships (their experience - that even though he made it clear to someone in his church he wanted accountability, there was pretty much nothing that was done, no taking seriously) and yesterday it came up again. (Not to mention, in the previous area I lived in, I met 3 more brothers that had this issue in mind – one was at a local Bible study group where one of the men with a broken heart shared that even after living in the same area for over 15-20 years, he did not have one brother that he can just call up at night and talk to when he needs someone to talk to).One of the points I made about the reason for the problem was the fact that so many (even true believers) just never had such a thing, such close bonds/relationships (that the Bible lays out, expects there to be) they just don’t know anything of it. Therefore, they don’t (can’t) expect it (to take place). So they don’t expect it from the giving end and don’t expect it from the receiving end and therefore it just doesn’t happen. And because they’re not used to it and it’s foreign to them if someone acted/did something with that kind of mindset/understanding/relationship picture in mind, (for example, the first day they met, they were invited to their home) they would take it to be odd/even strange (and it wouldn't work out).I can go on laying out what I see as the reasons/foundational problems with this issue but I'll just write it out briefly - 1. So many unregenerated church goers in churches being mixed in with the sheep – and all the effect it has 2. like I wrote - so many even genuine believers just don't know about the family aspect of churches/the universal church/close relationships neither from Scripture nor through experience; it's just foreign to them, 3. problem with the leadership - so many that don't know of such biblical things are the leaders leading the churches; the leaders don't know anything of it, so it is never taught or expected. So then how can you expect it to be in the church? 4. Overall a serious lack of passion for Christ (those that are zealous for the Lord naturally and easily connect well and bond naturally with others that are passionate for the Lord. if either person isn't zealous there just isn’t, can't be much of a connection).How is it with your church? How is the dynamic? the relationships in your church? Do you, do the brethren have brethren that are very close to each other? - where you’re really family and each member, or at least most members have at least 1 or hopefully many brethren that they are very close to that they share their lives with? Those they can call up at night when they need a brother/sister to talk to, when they’re struggling, they can visit them/have them visit them and talk together, lay out what's in their heart, pray together, be encouraged, or rebuked if necessary; when there’s a need whether financial, or whatever else they will be there to help? This should be the case with the whole church where such things go on.

May God grant a revelation of such biblical closeness, family aspect and familial love to His church so that when the world sees the church, they can only think and comment, “These guys are so like a family (with each other)” and we have our chance to respond, "That’s because that's what we are." (John 1:12, 1 John 3:1, Mt 12:48-50).(and get a chance to tell them how they can be adopted into God’s family and become a member also)

Addition-And another big thing -Many here in the US notice/recognize the culture here is very individualistic. Compared to other cultures around whether Hispanic or many Asian societies etc the way it is for them. Well what's supposed to be the case when there's Scripture and culture is Scripture have much more dominating prevailing influence that molds and shapes, frames everything. But tragically that's not the case. That's the problem. The individualistic setting, culture, mindset hasn't gotten/isn't changed by the overall effect of Scripture not because Scripture is not powerful enough but because lack of Scripture in the Christians overall.

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Comments (2)
    • Thank you, dear sister for the exciting report regarding your meeting. And for your analysis concerning several topics. And thank your joining in the ongoing discussions!

      Yes, the Western brand of individualism prohibits the outworking of family principles and fellowship with the body of Christ. In fact, it's the opposite of the mutual love we we must show to the saints and to the world beyond the church.

      Jesus came not to be served but to serve. And to give his life a ransom for many.

      Somehow, we must identify this problem and turn it around for God's glory and for the good of mankind. But how? Only by the Spirit of God. Because this generation is defined by three words: Me, my, and mine.

      Btw, I've noticed that most Asian people would never send their parents away to a nursing home, whether here or in the native land.

      I recently heard about two Hispanic brothers who donated large sums of money so that their sister could receive higher education. Wow!

      • Many people send their parents or other family members to nursing homes because the distancing from our families begins at a very early age due to many of us are put into daycare and a school system, therefore because most of our time is spent with strangers, it's the strangers and their systems that mold and shape us instead of the Scriptures. And, of course, it also makes it more difficult to have the accountability and spiritual intimacy that the Scriptures command us to have.

        The scriptures will protect us and guide us because He is the Word made flesh. If we put as much time or more time into learning His Word, (Deut. 6:7), than other things, then we'd have a lot less problems, but just like in the Garden, we oftentimes think that we know better than He does, so we need to stay in the Word & prayer, (1 Thes. 5:15-28). Comparing Scripture to Scripture within its context is absolutely key. Life will never be trial-free, but God sure will reveal Himself to us in a deeper way if we eat His body & drink His blood, (John 6:54-58). I interpret this to mean that He should be the constant air that we breath, our life's force, He is our life.... (John 15:5).

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