Comment to 'Closeness of the church'
  • Many people send their parents or other family members to nursing homes because the distancing from our families begins at a very early age due to many of us are put into daycare and a school system, therefore because most of our time is spent with strangers, it's the strangers and their systems that mold and shape us instead of the Scriptures. And, of course, it also makes it more difficult to have the accountability and spiritual intimacy that the Scriptures command us to have.

    The scriptures will protect us and guide us because He is the Word made flesh. If we put as much time or more time into learning His Word, (Deut. 6:7), than other things, then we'd have a lot less problems, but just like in the Garden, we oftentimes think that we know better than He does, so we need to stay in the Word & prayer, (1 Thes. 5:15-28). Comparing Scripture to Scripture within its context is absolutely key. Life will never be trial-free, but God sure will reveal Himself to us in a deeper way if we eat His body & drink His blood, (John 6:54-58). I interpret this to mean that He should be the constant air that we breath, our life's force, He is our life.... (John 15:5).