The Claims of Pastors by David Lindsay

The latest church revenue statistics show that religious congregations in the U.S. take in around $74,500,000,000.00 per year.

The majority of these billions is for salaries. As the saying goes: You can only spend it once.

Is the Church in the West truly a servant church and a bona fide charitable organization? Or is it a charity itself? Does this money go to true ministry and evangelism? Or merely to keep the wheels of the church machinery turning?

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Comments (1)
    • I'm surprised that this much money is being donated, especially after COVID. Americans are a very generous people. Some sources give higher numbers than 74.5 billion. What about the money spent on Christian books, concerts, church music?

      I wonder how much the Christians in the European Union gives to their churches. They gives less than the USA to defend their continent from the Soviet Union. The EU economy is about the same size as ours but that is changing. Ours is now growing faster than theirs. Obviously, their churches are in a major decline.

      My uncle was a missionary to Mexico. I can remember him telling others that we spent less on missionaries than on pet food. That was a long time ago. I'm sure it's less than that today.

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